Build playgrounds and sports fields with Fundermax

Climbing, sliding, swinging and gymnastics: there is always something going on at playgrounds and sports fields. To ensure these places are safe for the various physical activities, you need a robust and highly weather resistant material like Max Compact Exterior panels. The duromer high-pressure laminates are ideal for outdoor use. In addition, thanks to the wide variety of available decors, they offer colorful design options.

Advantages of Max Compact Exterior for playgrounds

  • Their weather resistance in accordance with the EN 438-6 standard makes the sheets wind and weather resistant. They are also hail-proof.

  • Reliable in heat and bright sunshine as well as in precipitation and frosty temperatures: Max Compact panels Exterior can withstand even continuous temperature loads from -80°C to +80°C.

  • The compact laminates are lightfast and retain their radiance for many years.

  • An NT surface is recommended for a semi-gloss effect that offers a shimmering look regardless of the light. This surface is one of the most popular standard products from Fundermax.
  • A double-hardened surface makes the material scratch and impact resistant: This gives children a safe and stable environment on playgrounds where they can let off steam to their heart’s content.
  • The panels of the Max Compact Exterior product range are available in custom sizes and thicknesses.
  • With Max Compact Exterior products, people will be enjoying games, fun and sports in no time. Installation is quick and easy.
  • Max Compact Exterior panels are environmentally friendly and free of any health risk. They do not contain any organic halogen compounds, such as those found in propellants or PVC. They are also free of wood preservatives. They also do not contain any sulfur, mercury or cadmium.
  • Due to the composition of Max Compact panels, environmentally friendly disposal is possible at regulated commercial waste dumps. Please be sure to observe all country-specific laws and regulations relating to disposal.

All the applications for Fundermax Exterior products