Fundermax individual print: for a unique look

When you first meet someone, see a building or enter a room, one thing is for sure: the first impression counts! While the exterior of the building already shapes your personal opinion even before entering it, attractively furnished interiors also contribute to creating an inviting and comfortable atmosphere. Creatively designed furniture can be used as decorative design highlights or as functional eye-catchers.

In order to create such exclusive impressions, Fundermax offers durable materials that meet the highest quality standards. In addition, our custom decors give you the freedom to realize even your most creative visions.

More inspirational designs with Fundermax

Would you like to see other projects given a unique look by individual print from Fundermax? Click on the button. You can also read our Blog to find inspiring articles about the unique design options made possible with Fundermax products.

Your individual print from Fundermax in just 4 steps

Once you have found the appropriate high-pressure laminate, you can begin designing your individual print. Your custom decor is produced quickly and easily in just four steps:

Everything starts with the design. Design your dream decor just the way you imagine it!

After you have created your design, our experts from Fundermax Product Management will consult you. Simply email us the sketches or print data for your design! 

Following the consultation with Fundermax, we will optimize your design if necessary. Then we will send you a sample of your custom decor.

If you are happy with the sample we sent you, we can start producing your custom decor as soon as we receive your approval.

Further information

More information on topics such as guidelines, formats, motifs and a checklist can be found in the individual print data sheet.

Wide range of products for exteriors and interiors

Whether you want to design visually unique exterior facades or interior wall cladding and furniture, the first step is choosing the right product. At Fundermax, the materials are divided into the categories Interior and Exterior according to the basic intended use. HPL panels in the Max Compact panels product ranges are each available in versions specially designed for interior and exterior applications. Our product finder will help you selecting the right material for your project.

All our interior applications at a glance

The inner value is what counts: this applies above all to your own four walls. However, HPL panels and chipboard panels from Fundermax not only enhance private rooms but also commercial and public spaces.

Exterior design options

More than anything else, it is the facade that lends houses, schools, shopping centers and museums their unique look. Furthermore, many structural aspects can be individually designed with the balcony floor panel and with Max Compact Exterior panels.