Design solutions from Fundermax for the transport infrastructure

Bus, train and subway stops protect waiting passengers from the sun, wind and rain. But transport structures such as train stations and airports are much more than just transit points for commuters or travelers. At the same time, they are architectural eye-catchers that can amaze people with their appearance. For example, the airport building in Marrakesh, with its impressive canopy, and the beautifully painted ceiling in the Grand Central Terminal in New York are world-famous.

When it comes to designing exterior facades or interior wall cladding, architects of transport structures rely on Fundermax. With their robust properties and the variety of decors to choose from, the compact laminates and wood-based materials always represent a high-quality choice.

Outside Max Compact Exterior panels, inside Max Compact Interior panels

You will find specific versions of the robust Max Compact panels from Fundermax for both interior and exterior applications.

Thanks to their highly effective weather protection,  Max Compact Exterior panels have proven to be the perfect solution for facade cladding. The pressing process used to produce our duromer high-pressure laminates creates products that are not only scratch and impact resistant, but also remarkably rigid.

For places where fireproof materials are needed, the Exterior version in F quality is suitable. This is because it is classified as B - s2, d0 respectively B - s1, d0 in accordance with the EN 13501-1 standard and can be described as "flame-retardant".

The counterpart for indoors is the Max Compact panel for interiors in F quality. The model is classified B - s2, d0 respectively B - s1, d0 at a thickness of 4 to 20 millimeters.

If fire protection class B is no longer sufficient, our m.look Exterior panels in fire protection class A2 - s1, d0 can also be used.

Learn more about Max Compact panels

Fundermax surfaces for a perfect look

An impressive finish is achieved with the high-quality surfaces from Fundermax. The NT, NG and NH versions are particularly popular for exterior applications. NT is the optimal choice for designs with a semi-gloss effect. NG lends the decor a glossy, high-class touch. A very special look is created by the hexagon embossing of the NH surface.

Further inspiration for bus stations, train stations and more

In our Inspirations you will find further suggestions for transport structures and various exterior applications. In addition, our magazine regularly features articles with news from the world of Fundermax.

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