Funderplan – 100% natural product for well-being

Funderplan – the ecological, building biology and healthy alternative in timber construction

The topic of sustainable building with biogenic building materials is increasingly coming to the fore. Sustainability and the complex interaction of design and ecological use of resources for planning living spaces demand healthy materials. The Funderplan biofibre board was developed especially for a healthy living environment with an optimal indoor climate.

Our high-density wood fibre board Funderplan is manufactured in our special production process from fresh fibre wood from certified sustainable forestry with the use of generated, renewable energy without artificial adhesives. Compared to conventional wood-based materials produced with petroleum-based glues, we activate the natural resins contained in the wood fibres, creating an unadulterated natural product. This is what makes our Funderplan so unique.

Thus, Funderplan creates extraordinarily good living space quality and thus has a positive effect on comfort as well as hygiene and on the health of residents and users. The indoor climate becomes an experience. Funderplan demonstrably guarantees living and working without exposure to unnatural emissions, even in projects for children and elderly or particularly health-sensitive people. The result is rooms in which you can live with a clear conscience and recharge your batteries.

Product overview Funderplan

Funderplan 3-field panel

Funderplan 3-panel board - statically loadable, economical and tested for healthy living - for contemporary and modern timber house construction

Funderplan is statically effective and is used for stiffening room-side planking in timber frame construction. The bending and transverse tensile strength is almost twice as high as that of comparable products. The large formats, which span three framing fields at the same time, favour a cost- and time-saving factory production and assembly.
Machining such as sawing, drilling, milling, etc. is carried out as usual with standard tools.

Funderplan Tongue & groove laying panel

Funderplan tongue & groove installation panel - child's play seamless planking of wall elements for a good indoor climate

The Funderplan N&F installation panel is ideal for renovation, building in existing structures or for general on-site planking in timber frame construction due to the possible small formats - handling becomes child's play.
A form-fitting jointless connection enables quick and easy continuous laying. With the stable tongue and groove profile, "flying joints" can also be realised.


Sustainable, healthy and economical

Funderplan is produced 100% with our self-generated certified green energy in a resource-saving way through cascading wood use.

  • The Funderplan is tested for healthy living. Certified by natureplus (ecological footprint), IQUH and Sentinel Haus Institut.
  • Funderplan creates exceptionally good living space quality and demonstrably ensures a healthy indoor climate. This makes Funderplan particularly suitable for young, old and health-sensitive people. Synthetic ingredients are not used, so there are no synthetic emissions, Funderplan remains an unadulterated natural product.
  • Our Funderplan leads to well-being through perfect room climate and moisture management.
  • In addition, Funderplan offers an economically sustainable alternative.
  • Building with our Funderplan binds CO2 in the long term, as if you were bringing the forest into your home.

You want a positive CO2 balance in construction? Our product Funderplan supports you in this! Find out how and why here:


We are particularly proud of our certifications:

natureplus seal of approval No. 0208-1304-120-1

The European Association for Sustainable Building and Living, natureplus e.V., advocates a holistic approach to sustainability in the evaluation of building products. 
The sustainable use of resources, climate protection and the healthy living of the products are the main pillars of this approach. We all spend about 90% of our lives indoors, so the building products used there have a major impact on people's health.

The non-profit association ensures consistently high quality with regular inspections and on-site assessments and offers consumers orientation and reliability in product selection. We are proud that Funderplan has been awarded and certified with the seal of approval 0208-1304-120-1.

IQUH certificate

The Institute for Quality Management and Environmental Hygiene (IQUH) examines the ingredients of building products and their influence on indoor climate, air quality and healthy living. Funderplan was tested for its raw materials and for the complete disclosure of all ingredients. 
The result is more than pleasing: Funderplan is terpene-free and has a low quality, environmental and human compatibility factor of 2.22. The lower the factor, the more positive it is. The lower the factor, the more positive the effects on indoor air and indoor climate.


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