• 10 Feb 2022
  • Fundermax GmbH
  • Inspiration

Learning Community Center in Nord Omaha

The Learning Community Center in North Omaha functions like a living interface, serving the people of the community in different and ways. Here, many learning programs are brought together in one extraordinary building.

Fundermax Fassade Learning Community Center aus Max Compact Exterior in den Dekoren 0717, 0237, 0725 und 0712 sowie in der Oberfläche NT

Omaha Learning Center

The facade, implemented with Max Compact Exterior panels, is a particular highlight. The perforated façade panels not only add character to the building, but function like a curtain, allowing the right amount of light to stream into the classrooms.

The center's west and south wings house a total of five early childhood education and adult education classrooms for parents, served by colleges and universities that offer on-site courses.

The core of the classrooms is an observation room that provides audio and video recording of the youngest children so participants can communicate with instructors during early education.

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