• 10 Jul 2023
  • Fundermax GmbH
  • Inspiration

archXchange - visionary construction concept by Fundermax and TU Vienna

Building concept "archXchange": After two semesters of intensive cooperation between Fundermax and the Research Department Building Construction II of the Vienna University of Technology, the jointly developed building concept "archXchange" was presented at Karlsplatz in Vienna.

Cooperation beyond boundaries

Under the guidance of the internationally renowned architect Duks Koschitz, the architecture students of the Vienna University of Technology developed unique designs that are characterized above all by their creative use of curves and roundings. From the many impressive ideas, the winning design was chosen, which was further developed and finally executed together with architect Michael Wildmann over the last few weeks. The result is the impressive construction "archXchange", with dimensions of 9 x 6 meters.

Special experience for students

By having the opportunity to design and implement a project themselves from start to finish, students already gain important practical experience, which the students greatly appreciate.

Vision in reality

The impressive "archXchange" construction was made with panels from Fundermax's Max Compact series. The structure, which measures approximately 40 square meters, serves as a prototype that demonstrates how lightweight constructions can be created through a combination of geometry and digital fabrication. "archXchange" illustrates in an innovative way the potentials of digital manufacturing in the modern architectural field. However, the construction serves not only as an exhibit; it is also intended to serve as a podium and meeting place for the students of the Vienna University of Technology. The building concept is intended to reflect how architects are able to address and deal with issues of sustainability with the help of new approaches to building systems. This creates a space for stimulating discussions, especially on topics ranging from architecture to design to activism and sustainability.

The partnership between Fundermax and the Vienna University of Technology demonstrates how academic knowledge and industrial expertise can be used synergistically to jointly break new ground in architecture.

All information about archXchange

All information about Max Compact Exterior

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